Submit an Article

How to Submit Your Idea

Ready to share your creative genius with us? Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Shoot Us an Email 📧
    Drop us a line at [email protected]. In the subject line, give us a quick glimpse of your idea with a catchy title. Keep it short and sweet!
  2. Craft Your Pitch 📝
    In the body of your email, tell us all about your idea. Describe what you’re thinking, why it’s awesome, and include any links to galleries or sources that can help us see your vision. If you’ve got writing samples or previous work, attach those too—we’d love to see what you’ve done before!
  3. Share Your Images 📷
    If you’ve got images to show us, attach up to 5 JPEGs. Make sure these images really showcase your idea—think of this as your chance to make a great first impression!
  4. Provide Extra Details 📋
    Let us know a few key things about your idea:
    • Anticipated Word Count: How long will your piece be?
    • Why It’s a Good Fit: Tell us why your idea fits perfectly with EMYA2018.
    • Number of Images/Video Duration: How many images or how long is your video?
    • Target Audience: Who are you hoping to reach with your content?
    • Additional Context: Anything else that helps us understand your idea better.

Important Info About Submissions

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. We Pay for Your Work 💵
    Yes, we pay for accepted submissions! We’ll discuss the rate with you once your idea is accepted.
  2. Not All Ideas Will Be Chosen 🌟
    We wish we could feature everything, but we can’t take every submission. Don’t be discouraged—if your idea isn’t picked this time, there’s always a chance we might revisit it in the future.
  3. We’ll Get Back to You
    We aim to respond to every submission within two weeks. If you haven’t heard from us by then, feel free to send us a polite follow-up message.
  4. Content Usage 🌍
    Any content we accept might be published on EMYA2018 and could even appear on other platforms. We may also edit it to fit our needs, but don’t worry, we’ll work with you to make sure everything looks great!

Ready to Share Your Ideas?

We can’t wait to see what you come up with! Your creativity is the key to keeping EMYA2018 vibrant and inspiring. So, if you’ve got a spark of brilliance, don’t hesitate—send us your pitch and let’s make something amazing together!

Got questions? Feel free to reach out. We’re here to help and excited to hear from you!

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