Our Privacy Policy

Welcome to EMYA2018: How We Handle Your Personal Data

Hey there! 👋 We’re so glad you’re here checking out EMYA2018. We want to be open and honest with you about how we manage the information you share with us. Think of this as our “Behind the Scenes” tour where we show you what happens with your personal data when you visit our site. Ready? Let’s dive in!

What Is EMYA2018 All About?

At EMYA2018, we’re on a mission to share the amazing results of our research and development efforts with the world. Our goal is to connect with you and others who are interested in our work. To make this happen, we sometimes collect a bit of personal information, like your name, email address, and more, but we do so with the utmost respect and care.

Our Promise to You

When it comes to your personal information, we’re like a trusted friend who keeps secrets safe. We stick to high standards of integrity, transparency, and fairness. Here’s the deal: we’ll make every effort to protect your information and use it responsibly. If you’re okay with these terms, great! If not, feel free to browse our site without sharing any personal details.

Let’s Get to Know the Terms

Here are some key terms you’ll see in this policy:

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Personal Data: This is any information that can identify you as an individual, like your name, email, or even your IP address.
  • Data Controller: This is the person or organization that decides how and why your personal data is used. Think of them as the captain of the data ship.
  • Data Processor: This is the person or organization that handles the data on behalf of the Data Controller. They’re like the crew who help run the ship.
  • Data Subject: That’s you! The person who provides personal data.

What Personal Data Do We Collect?

You can explore our site without giving us any personal information. If you choose to interact with us, like signing up for updates, that’s when we might ask for your name and email.

We also gather some non-personal information using tools like Matomo. This includes things like your IP address, the website you came from, and what kind of device and browser you’re using. But don’t worry—Matomo uses something called IP Anonymisation to protect your privacy. It’s like only seeing the tip of the iceberg rather than the whole thing!

How Do We Collect This Information?

We use a few tools to make your experience better and to understand what you like. Here are some of them:

  • Matomo: This tool helps us see how visitors use our site, like what pages they look at and what interests them. It’s like having a friendly tour guide who helps us make improvements.
  • Google Tag Manager and Google Search Console: These tools help us manage and improve our site, but they don’t track your personal data.
  • Social Media Platforms: We also use sites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share content and connect with you.

What Do We Do With the Information We Collect?

Here’s how we use the information we gather:

  • Personalizing Your Experience: We use what we know to make your visit better and more relevant for you.
  • Keeping in Touch: We might send you updates or follow up on any questions you’ve asked.
  • Improving Our Site: We use your feedback to fix issues and make our site even better.
  • Responding to You: If you reach out to us, we use your info to get back to you and address your needs.

Only a small, trusted team at EMYA2018 has access to your data, and they follow strict privacy guidelines.

Cookies: What Are They and How Do We Use Them?

Imagine cookies as tiny helpers that remember your preferences. When you visit our site, they keep track of things like your language choice or what pages you’ve visited. Here’s what they do:

  • Session Management: They keep track of your actions during your visit so we can understand what interests you.
  • Visitor Tracking: They help us recognize you if you come back, which helps us see how we’re doing over time.
  • User Preferences: They remember your settings for future visits.

You can choose to manage your cookies through your browser settings. If you want to know more, just check out your browser’s Help Menu.

Sharing Your Information

We don’t sell or trade your personal data. If we need to share it, it’s only with partners who help us run the site, and they must keep it confidential.

Sometimes, we might have to share data to follow the law or protect our rights, but that’s the exception, not the rule.

Keeping Your Information Safe

We take security seriously. Your personal data is stored securely and only accessible to a few trusted people. We also use encryption to protect your sensitive information.

Third-Party Links

We might link to other sites, but we can’t vouch for their privacy practices. It’s like visiting a new place—be sure to check out their policies!

How Long Do We Keep Your Data?

We only keep your personal data as long as necessary for our purposes and legal obligations. External data like your IP address is kept according to those third parties’ policies.

Yes, those are cookies! 🍪 We use them to make your experience sweeter. View more